Malolos in Action

We could tell you how great we think our malolo bird teasers are until we’re  pacific blue in the face, but sometimes hearing it from other fishermen and anglers and seeing our malolos in action means the most. Scroll down to read testimonials, photos, and videos from our fellow anglers.


I would NEVER go fishing without my Malolo Bird Teasers. I have used this teaser for more than 20 years!! I call it my “secret weapon“!! We usually drag 4 lures, two short, two long, but then I realized if I dragged the taser bird in the middle long & deep it worked the best!! I’ve caught Striped Marlin, Blue Marlin, Sailfish, Tuna, and Dorado / Mahi Mahi with it. I’ve fished the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic, and the Pacific from the Outer Banks, south to Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, over to Cabo and west to Hawaii. It’s the best lure in my bag! I’m proud to say I’ve caught the Billfish Royal Slam three times and I couldn’t have done it with out the Malolo Bird Teaser. It’s amazing how it performs in all sea conditions. Do yourself a favor and add this bird teaser to your collection, YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. Thanks to Gregory and his team, they are great to work with too! It’s really nice to work with good people like they are. Customer Service is “First Class.”

“Tight Lines”
Billy Howell
Dallas via New Orleans


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